
Sitemap of Fourteen Websites
- Its Nature, Ground, Condition, and Fellowship
- The nature, ground, and condition of a local church
- The nature
- The church of God, possessing the divine nature of God
- The churches of Christ, being in the element of Christ
- The ground
- The genuine oneness of the Body of Christthe oneness of the Spirit
- In the limit of the boundary and jurisdiction of a localitythe ground of locality
- The condition
- The fellowship of the churches
- The Body of Christ being uniquely one universally
- The fellowship of the local churches
- Each local church needing to fellowship with all the other genuine local churches on the whole earth
- Every local church needing to receive all kinds of genuine believers in Christ
- A believer to be kept away from the fellowship of a local church if committing gross sins and living in them
- How to deal with the divisions
- Not recommending any believer in the local churches to have any share in the divisions
- Not rejecting any believer who does not promote anything divisive, but considering as divisive and rejecting anyone who promotes sectarian divisions
- The discerning of the one Body
- The Factors of Division
- The way for the practice of the church life
- One church for one city, one city with one church
- The factors of division
- The servants of the Lord keeping the results of their work in their own hands
- Specialties Among the Believers
- A concluding word
- The relationship among the workers
- The proper ways for the Lords servants to minister to the believers
- The attitude and relationship of the workers
- Our work being to minister Christ and to build up the church
- Not keeping the results of our work in our hands
- Being liberal
- The Recovery of the Ground and Practice of the Local Churches
- The recovery of the church ground
- The definition of the church ground
- Not the foundation but the site
- The three crucial elements of the church ground
- The unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ
- The unique ground of locality of a local church
- The reality of the Spirit of oneness
- The genuine ground of the church keeping the genuine oneness of the church in practicality
- The base of the genuine fellowship of the believers
- The recovery of the practice of the local churches
- The need of the local churches
- The many expressions of the one Body of Christ
- existing in a locality as a city
- The administration of a local church
- By the elders
- Not under the control of a high church
- With the ministry of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, and shepherds and teachers
- Without any absolute autonomy or federation
- The building up of a local church
- The Local Aspect of the Church
- The local churches
- As revealed by the Lord in Matthew 18:17
- For the churchs administration in its locality
- To bind and to loose with the authority of the heavens
- As revealed by the apostles in Acts and the Epistles
- Established locally in separate cities
- Taking a city as the boundary and ground of each local church
- Each being not greater nor smaller than its city
- As lampstands to bear the testimony of Jesus Christ in separate cities
- All the local churches being the one unique Body of Christ in the universe
- The Universal church and the Local Churches
- The church and the churches
- The basis of the churches
- The boundary of locality
- Not narrower than a locality
- Not wider than a locality
- The independence and oneness of the churches
- A local church as the highest christian authority
- Preserving the local character of the churches
- The benefits of independence
- Eating and Drinking Christ in the Local Churches
- The local church revealed in Revelation chapter 1
- The shift of emphasis in Revelation
- Simply eating and drinking Christ
- The consummation of the local churches
- Christ in Revelation - The One Walking in the Midst of the Local Churches
- Walking in the midst of the Local churches
- As the loving high priest
- As the ancient, living one
- As the burning Christ
- Having a voice as the sound of many waters
- Having the seven Spirits and holding the seven stars
- Opening the door
- As the Amen and the worthy one
- As the fighting Christ
- Christs Requirements of the Local Churches
- First love
- Faithfulness unto death
- Anti-doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans
- Anti-fornication and idols
- Livingness versus deadness
- Brotherly love
- Hotness versus lukewarmness
- The Proper Practice of the Church Life
- Christ building the universal church
- The universal church being the unique Body of Christ
- The universal church comprising all the local churches
- The believers living in the local church
- The local churches being the local expressions of the Body of Christ
- All the local churches constituting the one Body of Christ
- The genuine ground
- The ground of localityone city, one church
- The ground of the genuine onenessone Body universally
- The local administration and the universal fellowship
- The administration being separate and equal locally
- The fellowship being one universally
- The apostleship and the eldership
- The apostleship being universal and being over the eldership
- The eldership being local and being under the apostleship
- The elders not lording it over the believers
- The ground and the reality
- The gifts in the local churches
- The Practical Expression of the Church
- The local church
- One city, one church
- Two or three meeting together
- The lessons of the local church
- The Lords twofold recovery
- Gods Revelation and Gods Recovery of the Local Churches
- The four main figures in the Bible
- God
- Christ
- The church
- The local churches
- The Progressive knowledge of the four main figures in the Bible
- God
- Christ
- The church
- The local churches
- Being up-to-date in following the Lord by knowing the local churches
- The Lords recovery of the truth and practice of the church and the practicality of the churchthe local churches
- The present age being the age of the local churches
- The spreading of the local churches
- The Offices-the Official Positions-in the Church
- In the universal church
- Only one officethe apostleship
- Only the apostles having the position and right to appoint elders in the local churches
- In the local church
- Elders
- Being overseers in the local church
- Taking the lead in the local church
- Teaching in the local church
- Shepherding the local church
- Not lording it over the church but being patterns of the flock
- Taking care of the finances in the local church
- Deacons and deaconesses
- Serving the local church
- Managing the business affairs in the local church
- The Recovery of Christ and the Church
- The full gospel according to the heavenly vision
- The local expression of the church
- one city, one church
- A description, not a title
- The local church being the practicality of the church
- The local churches being the destination of Gods revelation and manifestation
- The local churchthe church manifested in a locality
- A description, not a name
- No particular teaching in the Lords recovery
- No hidden connection with other organizations
- The Practicality of the Church
- The practicality of the local church
- A church to which we can go
- The Scriptural record of the local church
- Four aspects of the practicality of the church
- The building
- The administration
- Local government and local eldership
- The local churches implied in 1 Peter
- The work
- The coordination
- The need for the local churches
- Ye also are builded